Dolores Wuepper

Company: Finlays

Job title: Director of Talent Acquisition


Discover: Challenge Commonly Held Perceptions of Manufacturing Careers to Attract Top Talent 4:20 pm

In a traditionally underexposed industry, how can manufacturing firms reach and compete for next-gen talent? How can the manufacturing industry work as one to dispel misconceptions relating to skills, career progression and stability in manufacturing jobs? Uncover the approach to reinventing perceptions of manufacturing careers which has enabled Finlays to compete for next-gen talent, and…Read more

day: Conference Day 1

Multi-Site & Global Recruitment Strategies for Manufacturing Organizations 3:45 pm

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day: Pre-Conference Day

Develop: What Else Can We Learn About Successfully Attracting the Next-Gen Workforce to Choose a Career in Manufacturing? 4:40 pm

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day: Conference Day 1

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